Cheeky Angel

Cheeky Angel is a comedy romance action manga series by Hiroyuki Nishimori. The story revolves around the adventures of 15-year old schoolgirl Megumi Amatsuka, a popular and beautiful tomboy that always get into fights with a secret: she used to be a boy. Originally a serial in Shōnen Sunday, it has been collected in 20 tankōbon volumes and adapted as a 50-episode anime series. In 2001, the manga won the Shogakukan Manga Award for shōnen.


At the age of nine, Megumi is an aggressive always fighting boy. One day he saves a strange man from a gang of other children. In return, Megumi receives a magical book. After accidentally bleeding on the book, a genie named Pierrot appears and offers to grant him a wish. Megumi wishes to become a strong man. Pierrot, a trickster inadvertently turns Megumi into a woman. Megumi, furious, throws the book into the riverbank. Believing the only way to reverse the spell is to retrieve the book, Megumi begins a 6 year long search but is told that she can find the book if she attends Furinkan High School.

Currently, Cheeky Angel manga is translated and published in English by VIZ MEDIA, with 20 volumes at the present time. However, the DVD Editions are still yet to be translated.