The Legend of Korra is an American animated television series, that premieres on the Nickelodeon television network on April 14, 2012. The series is a companion to Avatar: The Last Airbender, which aired on the same network from 2005 to 2008, and is currently set to run for 26 episodes. It takes place in the same fictional universe as the original show, whose societies have incorporated in them a multitude of elements derived from East Asian and Inuit cultures. The series takes place 70 years after the orginal with technology advanced to about mid-twentys on earth. In it, some people have the ability known as 'bending', by which they control and manipulate either water, earth, fire, or air. A single being known as the 'Avatar', described as the 'physical embodiment of the world's spirit', has the power to bend all four elements and is responsible for maintaining both the balance of nature and peace between the world's four great nations. Korra, protagonist of the new series, is the next incarnation of the Avatar after Aang of the original series.Set seventy years after the defeat of Phoenix King Ozai and Princess Azula in the four-part finale of the original show, creators Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko follow Korra as she learns Airbending, having mastered the other three elements, while facing an anti-bender revolution by a group known as the Equalists.
The series focuses on Korra, a teenage girl from the Southern Water Tribe and the current incarnation of the Avatar, who, according to the president of Nickelodeon, will be "hotheaded, independent, and ready to take on the world". She has already mastered Water, Earth, and Fire, but has yet to master Air. The character was partly inspired by Avatar Kyoshi of the original series, who the creators say was well-liked among fans. To avoid repetition of Aang's adventures, the show is set in a single place, called Republic City, a metropolis inhabited by benders and non-benders of all nations and founded by Aang and Zuko after the 100-year world war of the original series. The city's police are Metalbenders (a subset of Earthbenders), taught their art by Toph Bei Fong of the original series, and led by her daughter. The city's most popular sport is pro-bending, which sets teams of benders against each other. The conflict of the first season centers upon a group of anti-benders, called the Equalists, who use chi-blocking to subdue their enemies. A concept drawing of the city, released with the announcement of the series, shows the city's design inspired by Shanghai in the 1920s and 1930s, Hong Kong, Manhattan, and Vancouver. In the show, Korra learns Airbending from Tenzin, youngest child of Aang and Katara, and must contend with an anti-bender revolution in Republic City. Korra's final design was revealed at the 2011 San Diego Comic-Convention, along with her companion Naga. It was also mentioned that Aang found a small colony of flying bison after the war, and that the second season will include ring-tailed winged lemurs.