Case Closed, known as Meitantei Conan (officially translated as Detective Conan) in Japan, is a Japanese detective manga series written and illustrated by Gosho Aoyama. The series is serialized in Shogakukan's Weekly Shōnen Sunday since February 2, 1994, and has been collected in 74 tankōbon volumes as of December 2011. Due to legal considerations with the name Detective Conan, the English language release was renamed Case Closed. The story follows the adventures of Jimmy Kudo, a prodigious young detective who was inadvertently transformed into a child after being poisoned.Since its publication, Case Closed has spawned a substantial media franchise. The manga has been adapted into an ongoing animated television series by Yomiuri Telecasting Corporation and TMS Entertainment; the animated series has reached its twentieth season. The series has spawned three original video animation series, fifteen animated feature films, three live action dramas, a live action series, numerous video games, and many types of Case Closed-related merchandise.
Jimmy Kudo is a 17-year-old high school prodigy who frequently helps the police in solving cases. During an investigation, he is attacked by two criminals, codenamed Gin and Vodka, from the syndicate known as the Black Organization. They force him to ingest an experimental poison, APTX 4869, which is supposed to kill him, and leave him to die. A rare side-effect of the poison, however, transforms Kudo's body into that of a child instead of killing him.Adopting the pseudonym Conan Edogawa, Kudo hides his identity to investigate the Black Organization.He pretends to be a child until he can find enough evidence to apprehend the syndicate, after which he can then safely find and administer a cure for his current condition. Edogawa enrolls at Teitan elementary school and forms the Junior Detective League with three other children in his class: Amy Yoshida, Mitch Tsuburaya, and George Kojima. To further cover up his activities, he moves in with his childhood friend Rachel Moore, whose father, Richard, works as a private investigator.Kudo continues to solve criminal cases as Conan, but usually poses as Richard Moore with the help of special gadgets invented by his neighbor and friend, Hiroshi Agasa.Shiho Miyano, a member of the Black Organization and creator of APTX 4869, tries to leave the syndicate after her sister's murder, but is held captive by them. She attempts to commit suicide by ingesting APTX 4869; however, like Kudo, she is transformed into a child. She manages to escape and enrolls in Conan's school under the pseudonym, Anita Hailey. She joins the Junior Detective League and assists Conan in his investigations on the Black Organization. Conan's quest has led him to help the FBI to plant a CIA agent, Kir, inside the Black Organization as an undercover spy.
In 2007, Aoyama hinted he had the ending planned out but he does not intend to end the series yet.
The Regulars
Shinichi Kudo 17 year old high school detective. Big fan of Sherlock Homes, a suiri otaku (big fan of speculation), and great at soccer. Childhood friend of Ran Mouri. Shinichi has feelings for Ran, but can't be truthful about it. Seiyuu: Kappei Yamaguchi |
Conan Edogawa The child form of Shinichi after being forced to drink a mysterious pill by men in black. Shinichi used the name Conan Edogawa to hid his true identity from the people around him while searching out members of the myterious organization. He lives with Ran Mouri and her dad, Kogoro Mouri. Uses voice changing bowtie and other nifty devices created by Dr. Agasa. Seiyuu: Minami Takayama |
Ran Mouri Classmate and childhood friend of Shinichi Kudo. She secretly likes Shinichi and worries about him during his absence. Ran is very strong willed and a great karate athelete. She can beat the crap out of her opponents if she isn't scared or semi-unconcious. Ran cooks for Conan and her dad and when she's not around they starve or go out for food. She is also the responsible one between her and her dad. Seiyuu: Wakana Yamazaki |
Kogoro Mouri Ran's father and incompetent detective. He hasn't been able to solve a single mystery for himself. Conan secretly solved all his crimes for him. Before he became a private dectective, Kogoro was a detective in the police department, working along side with Inspector Megure. An incident caused him to retire from the force early and do what he does now. Believe it or not, Kogoro was actually kakkoii when he was younger! A.K.A The Sleeping Kogoro. Seiyuu: Akira Kamiya |
Detective Boys- Genta Kojima , Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya , Ayumi Yoshida Classmates of Conan. They like to solve mysteries, but most of the ones that they do solve is mainly solved by Conan. They do however help Conan with ideas. There is a little love triangle going on between the foursome; Ayumi likes Conan, but Mitsuhiko and Genta like Ayumi and, of course, Conan likes Ran. Seiyuu: Wataru Takagi, Ikue Ohtani, Yukiko Iwai |
Ai Haibara She is like Shinichi. Her real name is Shiho Miyano. She was the one who invented the drug that shrunk Shinichi and herself. Her codename was Sherry, but the death of her older sister made her turn away from the Underground Crime Ring. When the Underground decided to kill her, they handcuffed her to a pipe on the wall to await her execution. Since they were going to kill her, she took her own drug, intent on killing herself first. Instead, she was shrunk, and her hand was able to slip out of the handcuffs. Seiyuu: Megumi Hayashibara |
- Dr. Agasa
- Shinichi's neighbor and Conan's "distant relative". He invented the cool gadgets for Conan (i.e. power-up shoes, voice changing bowtie, stun gun wristwatch, etc...).
- Inspector Megure
- He is the detective of the police force and relies on Shinichi to solve crimes. But with the disappearance of Shinichi, he comes to rely on Kogoro Mouri, whom he once thought was an idiotic detective.
Frequent Guests
Heiji Hattori Being from Osaka, he is the West's version of Shin'ichi (the East's). Hattori has appeared in several cases. He figured out the Conan is really Shinichi. |
Wataru Takagi A detective in the Beika City Police Department. His partner is always Detective Satou. There seems to be a love triangle going on between Takagi and Satou, but who is the third person? |
Miwako Satou A female detective in the Beika City Police Department. Her partner is always Detective Takagi. She's always oblivious to Takagi's love sick puppy dog reactions around her, but is she really that oblivious? And who does she like? |
Kaitou Kid Just who is this mysterious character? Actually, fans of Gosho Aoyama's other works would recognize him, he's none other than Kid the Phantom Thief, or Kaito Kuroba. His uncanny resemblence to Shinichi confused Ran in his first apperance in Detective Conan. |