Devil May Cry (Anime)

Devil May Cry  is a series of five action hack and slash video games set in the modern day. The series was developed by Capcom and created by Hideki Kamiya. Originally intended to be a sequel in Capcom's Resident Evil series, Devil May Cry was such a radical departure from the series' style that it was developed into a new property entirely. The series centers on main character Dante's goal of avenging his mother's murder by exterminating demons. The gameplay consists of heavy combat scenes in which the player must attempt to extend long chains of attacks while avoiding damage in order to exhibit stylized combat; this element along with time and amount of items collected and used are taken under consideration when grading the player's performance.The series has been a success with the first three games selling multiple million copies and being awarded the "Platinum Title" award by Capcom.

Media: Anime TV Series
Creator: Shinji Mikami, Capcom
Madhouse Studios
Air Date:
June 2007
Action, Supernatural, Exorcism, Horror, Violent, Guns, Gothic, Video Game Origins
Devil May Cry is the anime series based on the game originally created by Shinji Mikami and developed for the PS2 by Capcom. The anime is directed by Shin Itagaki and animation production is by Madhouse Studios.
Similar Anime: Hellsing, Claymore, Trinity Blood



DanteDante: the demon-slaying, wise-cracking and all-round-ass-kicking protagonist of Devil May Cry. He classes himself as a freelance paranormal investigator and that’s where he earns his income, which works out well as he has a passion for sending the hell-spawn he’s tracking right back to where they come from.
However, Dante’s heritage plays a big part in how he goes about ridding our world of the demons he comes across. Dante was born of mixed human and demon heritage, allowing him to benefit from the best of both worlds, such as his incredible strength, speed and agility amongst other things.
When out on a mission, Dante is always sure to bring along the essentials for a job: a pair of dual pistols (that he likes to call Ebony and Ivory) and a massive sword that once belonged to his father, the Dark Prince, Sparda.


TrishTrish takes up the part of the beautiful female lead who invites Dante to Mallet Island, where it is said the gate to the devil world resides. Shortly into the game it becomes apparent that Trish isn’t entirely human herself, and displays supernatural powers as well as an extensive knowledge about devils, and the bizarre events occuring on the island.
Her background remains rather misty at first, but towards the end of the story alot of her history becomes more and more clear, and she certainly has a few secrets to tell…

Nelo Angelo

Nelo AngeloAlso known as “Nero Angelo“, Nelo Angelo’s role in Devil May Cry remains very vague at first, and we are only left to guess why he acts so erratically when confronted by Dante and his amulet. It’s difficult to go into too much detail without giving away the story but suffice to say Nelo Angelo plays a key role in the story.
Nelo Angelo is often referred to as “The Black Knight”, but the exact Spanish translation of Nelo Angelo does in fact mean “No Angel”. He is one of the greater devils and displays some incredible techniques in battle. But Nelo Angelo chooses to fight fairly and squarely, never relying on dirty tactics to win a battle. He enjoys the contest of facing a worthy opponent, which is a rarity for his kind. But it begs the question, why does he fight for the forces of evil?


MundusThe Devil Prince, Mundus, is the main villain behind the goings on at Mallet Island. He wishes to return to our realm along with his insidious demon army in order conquer our world, knowing full well that the one who defeated him roughly two millennia ago, The Legendary Dark Knight Sparda, is no longer in the picture and cannot stand in his way.
Mundus is aware that Sparda had two sons, one of which is our hero Dante. He realises Dante poses a threat (a small one, but still a threat) although he could be underestimating Dante’s potential…


SpardaWhile Sparda doesn’t make a direct appearance throughout the game (minus the unlockable “skin” for Dante) he is referenced several times throughout the game and is depicted as being one of the more powerful demons in existence. Sparda was the one who was able to seal the evil Mundus away two millennia ago and ensure the safety of Earth for some time.
During his time on Earth, Sparda married a woman named Eva, and sired two children; half-human, half-demon twins by the names of Dante and Vergil.
Dante: the demon-slaying, wise-cracking and all-round-ass-kicking protagonist of Devil May Cry. He classes himself as a freelance paranormal investigator and that’s where he earns his income, which works out well as he has a passion for sending the hell-spawn he’s tracking right back to where they come from.
However, Dante’s heritage plays a big part in how he goes about ridding our world of the demons he comes across. Dante was born of mixed human and demon heritage, allowing him to benefit from the best of both worlds, such as his incredible strength, speed and agility amongst other things.
When out on a mission, Dante is always sure to bring along the essentials for a job: a pair of dual pistols (that he likes to call Ebony and Ivory) and a massive sword that once belonged to his father, the Dark Prince, Sparda.