Alice Academy (Gakuen Alice)

Gakuen Alice (Gakuen Arisu), also known as Alice Academy or Alice School, is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Tachibana Higuchi, currently being serialized in the shōjo manga magazine Hana to Yume. It was adapted into an anime series produced by Aniplex and Group TAC which originally premiered on NHK BS-2. It spanned twenty-six episodes, between October 30, 2004, and May 14, 2005. The anime was translated and dubbed into English by the anime television network Animax and broadcast on networks throughout Asia.


Mikan Sakura is an orphaned ten-year-old that lives in a small town in the remote countryside. Her best friend Hotaru starts to attend a prodigy school in Tokyo and uses the money she collects to save their school from closing down. Soon, Mikan runs away from home and follows her, and she finds Hotaru in Alice Academy, a school for children with special powers called Alices. She is discovered by Narumi, a teacher, and is identified as a holder of the rare Nullification Alice. Her friendship with Hotaru is rekindled, but she quickly becomes disliked by her classmates. However, her classmates are eventually won over by her warm and optimistic demeanor. She meets Natsume Hyuga, a boy with a powerful Fire Alice who is abused by the academy. Although she becomes rivals with Natsume, they grow close to each other and fall in love. Her happy adventures in the academy come to an end when she discovers that the Elementary School Principal is not well-meaning at all and is out to get not only her but her family and friends.


Mikan Sakura

The protagonist of the series. She is ten years old in the beginning and is currently twelve years old. She originally lived in the country with her adoptive grandfather until she left her home to search for her best friend, Hotaru, who had enrolled in Alice Academy. Mikan discovers that Alice Academy is a school for children with a unique ability called an "Alice". When she arrives at the academy, she does not believe that she is an Alice and had only came to see Hotaru again. However, Narumi, her teacher, believes that she is an Alice and has her enrolled into the school. She was accepted by her classmates with skepticism because she did not know what her Alice was at the time, but after a fight with Natsume, she finds out that she has the Nullification Alice.

Hotaru Imai

Mikan's best friend. They met in the fourth grade when Hotaru transferred to Mikan's hometown and school. At first, Mikan did not like her due to her serious attitude. However, when they entered in a dance and singing contest together and won, Mikan decided to be her best friend, and were famous among their town. They fight constantly because of their opposing personalities. While Mikan is cheerful and outgoing, Hotaru is blunt and serious.

Natsume Hyuuga

The male protagonist of the series. He is introduced on Mikan's first day at the academy, when he attempted to escape. Afterwards, he threatened Mikan with his Alice and took off her skirt (he took off her underwear in the manga), which only started a hate relationship between the two for a while. Before coming to the academy, Natsume lived with his father and younger sister because his mother died in a car accident when he was young. He arrived at the academy at age 8, along with Ruka, his best friend. He has the Fire Alice and is the only Special Star in the Elementary Branch.

Ruka Nogi

Natsume's best friend. Natsume met him when they were eight years old, when Natsume moved into Ruka's town and enrolled in his school. They immediately became friends because they both have Alices and are targeted by the academy. He is a very loyal friend to Natsume and later to Mikan. He came to the academy with Natsume after Natsume was falsely blamed for setting their town on fire and witnessed Natsume cry. He tries to defend Natsume against people who pick on him and accuse him of bad things, even though he feels he is a burden to Natsume. Despite their different personalities, they are very good friends and get along. While Natsume is cold and rude, Ruka is warm and pleasant. He later becomes good friends with Mikan after spending time with her and develops a crush on her.