Girls und Panzer

Girls und Panzer (Gāruzu ando Pantsā) is a 2012 Japanese anime television series created by Actas. The animation is directed by Tsutomu Mizushima and produced by Kiyoshi Sugiyama.The series began airing in Japan on October 8, 2012. A manga series by Ryūichi Saitaniya launched in Media Factory's Comic Flapper magazine from June 5, 2012.


You may have heard of kung fu, but the girls at Oarai High School practice gun-fu - really, really BIG 75mm gun-fu, in fact. It's called Sensha-do, and it's the martial art of operating armored tanks! They take it seriously too, and since winning the national Sensha-do championship is such a huge deal at Oarai, they sometimes go to extreme ends in order to get the best students from Panzer class to sign up. Which is how Miho Nishizumi, who HATES operating tanks, gets drafted to join doomsday-driven driver Mako, even-triggered gunner Hana, highly receptive radio operator Saori and combustible tank-fangirl and loader Yukari as the incomparable Anko Team. They may not be on the half-track to fame and fortune, and maybe a few of them would rather shop for tank tops than become tops in tanks, but once their focus is locked and loaded, they're absolutely driven. 


First of all, I know the series isn't fully out, but this is what I've gathered from what I've watched.
I'm impressed with the way the Panzer IV Ausf. D and the StuG III looked. Was also great see the M3 Grant (going off of the Lee having 7 crew members and the Grant having 6, but that could be developer oversight or crew shortage) and Panzer 38(t) getting some love. The sounds are also decent, not quite there, but that'd ruin the atmosphere of the show.
Character design and story are lacking, but its your typical moe blob, so thats that. But as the later episodes come out, the story may or may not improve. Hoping they'll explain how they stay safe inside the tanks while they are shooting AP and worse case APCR rounds at each other. And non-penetrating rounds could still cause spalling, and that's almost worse than getting penetrated.
Also since they've show M4 Shermans and the Panzer VI Tiger, I wonder how long they're going to have the 75mm/L24 (Since it wasn't designed for tank killing), and upgrade to the 75mm/L43 or L48.
But only time can tell how the rest of the show is going to pan out, and I'm eagerly awaiting the next episodes.