Rosario + Vampire

Rosario + Vampire, often shortened to RosaVam, is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Akihisa Ikeda. The story revolves around Tsukune Aono, a boy who accidentally gets enrolled in a school inhabited by monsters and demons. He quickly befriends Moka Akashiya, a vampire who soon develops an obsession with his blood, and later meets other girls who soon take a romantic liking to him. 
A 13-episode anime adaptation of Rosario + Vampire aired in Japan between January and March 2008. A second season of the series also aired in Japan between October and December 2008. The anime is licensed in North America by Funimation Entertainment, who will release both seasons in 2011. The anime is also licensed in Australia and New Zealand by Madman Entertainment, who will be releasing both seasons in 2012.

Tsukune Aono is a normal high school freshman who is unable to get into any private school due to his poor grades. However, with help from his parents, he gets enrolled to a private school called Yokai Academy. When he arrives at the school, he soon discovers that Yokai Academy is a secret school for supernatural monsters and mythological creatures disguised as humans, and any human who finds out about its existence will be killed without mercy. Realizing this, Tsukune fears for his life, thinking that his admission into Yokai Academy is a mistake. His luck soon changes when he quickly becomes friends with the beautiful Moka Akashiya, who turns out to be a vampire attracted to the sweet taste of his blood, sometimes biting Tsukune on the neck when the chance seems right. While at first Moka was upset upon discovering Tsukune's human identity, she realizes that he is the first real friend she had ever made. Despite Moka's vampiric nature, she is a kind girl and Tsukune quickly falls for her, and ultimately decides to stay at Yokai Academy despite the various dangers while hiding his human identity from the faculty and other students. Tsukune soon discovers that when he removes the rosario around Moka's neck, she transforms into her true vampire form (her true personality is sealed, the kind Moka being an artificial persona), being stronger and more powerful than almost any other creature at the school, and Tsukune is the only person who can physically remove it to transform her. However, "Inner Moka" has an entirely different personality, often cold and merciless, thus the rosary is only removed in dire emergencies.
As the school year continues, Tsukune becomes involved with other students who start out as enemies but who are won over into becoming his friends: Kurumu Kurono, a busty succubus; Ginei Morioka, a perverted lech of a werewolf who is a second-year student and president of the school's Newspaper Club; Yukari Sendo, an eleven-year-old witch; Ruby Tojo, a witch from the human world, and Mizore Shirayuki, a yuki-onna (a teen version of the legendary snow woman of Japanese folk tales) who stalks around Tsukune, believing them to be soulmates. However, after Tsukune befriends each of the girls, they become friendly rivals along with Moka, vying for Tsukune's affections, and later most become members of the school's Newspaper Club with Tsukune and stand by him even after they learn that he is really a human.
Later on in the second manga serialization, Kokoa Shuzen, Moka's younger half-sister, appears, and as time goes on, they discover dangerous organizations like the Anti-Schoolers and Fairy Tale, and must do battle against them to keep the school and both the monster and human worlds safe, and Tsukune starts to undergo changes that will truly solidify his role as the link between the human and monster worlds.


Ageha Kurono Kurumu's mother who once attended Yokai Academy with Mizore's Mother Tsurara. She and Tsurara hold a grudge against one another due to having a crush on the same guy when they were in school.
Apsara One of the Teachers of Yokai Academy that appeared in the anime. Apsara-sensei is a Genie who teaches the cooking class.
Batty Batty of Rosario Vampire is the unofficial narrator of the series and is the only force often standing in the way of some major fanservice shots.
Bus Driver The Bus Driver is a character from the series Rosario Vampire. He is responsible for getting people from the human world and into Yokai academy.
Deshiko Deshi A member of the Yokai Student Police where as she only had a short mention in the manga, In the anime she fought Yukari on the final episode of the first season and she was the first victim of Kou`s aluring magic in episode 10 of the second season.
Ginei Morioka The student leader of the newspaper club.
Ichinose Tamao A mermaid who is the president of the Yokai Academy Swimming Club. She lures males into the swimming club with her beauty and then sucks the life energy out of them.
Kagome Ririko One of the Teachers at Yokai Academy who is a Lamia. Specializing in mathematics, she is seemingly innocent and deeply concerned for her students' grades, however she offers private lessons to anyone willing, though at a price.
Kahlua Shuzen Kahlua Shuzen is the second eldest daughter of the Shuzen family. According to Kokoa Shuzen, she is the most powerful assassin in the family. In fact, Kahlua is one of the strongest encountered by Tsukune and friends. Once her limiters are removed, she can transform her arms into bat wings
Keito One of the Members of the Student Police Committee.
Kokoa Shuzen Kokoa is Moka`s little half sister, who constantly attacks the group to get the Rosario away from Moka. It usually ends with her hugging her full powered sister like mad.
Kurumu Kuruno Kurumu is a Succubus attending the Yokai Academy, first she tried to use her powers to charm all the boys at school. But after she fell in love with Tsukune she gave up all that and now only uses her Physic and charm to try to make him hers.
Mizore Shirayuki A girl with Ice elemental powers and always has a lollipop in her mouth. She also has a huge crush on Tsukune Aono like Moka Akashiya does.
Moka Akashiya Lead female of the series and Tsukune's genuine love interest.
Ruby Tojo A powerful witch and yet another girl that loves Tsukune.
Shizuka Nekonome A cat-woman teacher at Youkai Academy. She mostly educates Tsukune's class.
Tsukune Aono Tsukune is a normal kid who had trouble getting accepted into high school. He gets accepted by the Yokai Academy where he makes many friends among the female students. Most of these girls have a desire to be with Tsukune, but he only wants to be with Moka.
Tsurara Shirayuki Tsurara is Mizore's mother.
Yukari Sendou A witch, and the youngest girl in the show.