Sacred Seven

Sacred Seven is a 2011 Japanese science fiction anime television series produced by Sunrise under the direction of Yoshimitsu Ohashi. Script supervisor is Shin Yoshida with mechanical designs by Ippei Gyōbu. The series began broadcasting in Japan starting July 3, 2011 on the Mainichi Broadcasting System and later will be rebroadcast by TV Kanagawa, TV Aichi, Tokyo MX, and Teletama.

Amra Tandouji lives a lonely and solitary life in a certain port city within the Kantou region. One day, he is approached by Aiba Ruri who asks for his help, for the power of the Sacred Seven which resides within Amra. However, Amra turns her away. In the past, Amra had hurt people with that power. Since that moment, he had foresworn it. But when the peaceful city is attacked by a monster, Alma reluctantly decides to use the Sacred Seven. However, his powers go berserk and the situation becomes even more dire. At that moment, Ruri comes to his aid by inserting a sacred stone made using her jewel necklace and transform him to his true form. This hels him a lot and with that power he fights against the evil forces of the Darkstones.

Main Characters

Amra Tandouji
One of main characters of Sacred Seven. He was born with the power of Sacred Seven from his mother's exposure. A few years ago before the series, he lost control of his powers and harmed a lot of people. Hence, the reason he lives in solitude. Alma can only control his true powers if Ruri inserts a special Lightstone in him. He has access to all seven powers (hence the meaning Sacred Seven) it has also been stated that he has the highest level of Sacred Seven that even surpasses Kijima. Alma used to have a crystal that belonged to his mother that was supposed to suppress his powers, but it was thrown into the river by a bully which caused the incident. He has been looking for it ever since, hence developed a habit of looking for rocks. He became a member of the Geology Club at the same time Kagami and Ruri did

Ruri Aiba
Another main character of Sacred Seven. She is the daughter of a billionaire noble family who were killed by a Darkstone. She created Aiba Foundation to combat against the Darkstones. She is a Lightstone that has the ability to turn a gem into a Lightstone and insert it into Alma to control his true powers. She became chairman of Alma's school (where she heavily renovated the school) and a member of the Geology Club to keep in contact with Alma.

Aoi Aiba
Ruri's sister, she had protected herself with a Crystal like stone when Kenmi killed her parents, since then she had been sleeping inside this crystal. It seems she has feelings for Kagami.In episode 12 she is shown her waking up from and alive.

Makoto Kagami
Ruri's personal butler and field commander for the Aiba Foundation. At 18, he graduated from Harvard and is enrolled in Alma's school for his convenience. He became class president and a member of the Geology Club when he enrolled. He has his own personal mech, transformers like, to fight Darkstones.

A childhood friend of Alma after the incident. She is the only person that is not afraid of Alma despite the rumors. She's the head of the Geology Club. She has an obsession of finding good rocks, a trait that she passed on to Alma.